A Bennett First :: The Houston Zoo

B & I just got back from a week long trip to Houston.  My mom & grandma were there to get some things organized at my childhood home and Husband was out of town on a guys trip, so I decided to go help where I could.  While we were there we met up with my sweet friend, Jess, and her daughter at the zoo for a day of fun!  Bennett had a blast, the Houston Zoo is the bomb.com! The weather was so perfect, pretty much every animal was out and about.  Our favorite animal was by far the giraffe.  They were all congregating around their food area, even the new baby giraffe, Gigi!  I spent a small fortune on three pieces of romaine lettuce so that Bennett could feed the big giraffe- I’m a sucker for things like that… but it was awesome!  We loved the Houston Zoo!  Here’s a short video of Baby Gigi:


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