Just so you know.

I must let everyone know that I’m not a writer.  In fact, I hate writing. I know what you’re probably asking yourself right now… why is she blogging if she’s not big on writing?!?  I asked myself the same thing and I really have no answer for you other than: because I wanna! Ha!

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from the late Andy Warhol, “I never read.  I just look at pictures.”, and this rings so true for me.  Most of my blog will document the amazingly boring lives (wink wink) that Husband (as I will continue to refer to him throughout the blog) & I lead. That being said, the blog will consist of mostly pictures and small blurbs of where we went & what we did & probably what we ate. If that’s what you enjoy then I’m sure we can be friends (if not in real life, then maybe via our cyber life).

My goal is to keep this personal with stuff from the past, present, and moving forward to infinity & beyond…  and we hope YOU will be along for the ride!

Time to have some fun!

Cheers y’all.

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