Bennett Wesley :: Six Months Old









Happy Half Birthday, Lil Man!

Six whole months with this precious human!  How did Husband & I get so freaking lucky?!?  Bennett is fully crawling across the floor, sitting up on his own, and pulling himself up onto his knees.  A little over a week ago I walked into his room after he was done with his nap and caught him peeking over the edge of his crib.  Tonight, his crib has been lowered to the lowest level for fear he will climb/ fall over head first to the ground.

He is still breastfeeding, mixed in with some pureed foods (mostly bananas because they are his favorite) and the oatmeal cereal.  He still refuses to take a bottle but he likes to pretend to drink from one every now and then.  He is starting to get upset whenever people are eating foods that he is not allowed to have.  He gets all whiney and starts acting out which makes it super hard to enjoy a meal these days… I hope this phase doesn’t last long but I have a feeling it will hang around for a while.  At least until he gets teeth, right?!? We are still waiting for the first tooth to pop through his little gums.  The drool is seriously like a faucet.

Bennet still loves bath time. He loves to kick and splash the water everywhere.  Super cute!  His favorite song right now is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.  Anytime he is fussy or upset, all I have to do is start singing that song and he gets this big grin on his face. He loves it!  He is starting to become more and more aware of the dogs.  Sasha is always hanging around him, she lets him grab her ears and lips and tail, it doesn’t seem to bother her at all. Layla, on the other hand, is a little standoffish, which concerns me a little.  We keep a very close eye on all dogs around him, and do not allow him to play alone with the dogs around.  Overall, they are doing pretty good with him, they may feel a little neglected, but we still treat them like our other babies. :)

Tomorrow we have our six month check up (and shots) with the doctor.  Hopefully he doesn’t get too upset because this is the first shots appointment I’m going to solo.  He hasn’t been too upset at the previous appointments, so I’m hoping it’s the same scenario this time.  Wish me luck!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!  We had all sorts of festivities this past weekend which I will post pics of all that stuff sometime this week (hopefully ;)).  The time change is kicking my butt!  It seriously feels like it’s midnight right now and it’s only 8:45… what is wrong with me?? Oh yea, I’m a mom.  Ha ha ha!

Anyway, happy six months to my baby boy!  in six more months I will be a sobbing mess looking back at the year.  I’m trying to hold on to these precious baby moments for as long as possible because I know they will be gone in a blink.

I love you so much my sweet boy.  You are mine and daddy’s whole world.

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